If he'd attended music school, how might things have been different? 如果他上过音乐学校,事情会有怎样的不同呢?
In his spare time, he manages a not-for-profit music school and works on a dream to teach music in real-time, over the Internet. 在空闲时间,他致力于开办一个非盈利性音乐学校,并梦想通过Internet实时传授音乐知识。
It has now emerged that the Japanese musician was rejected from the prestigious Berlin music school at auditions, and only met Einstein once to sell him a violin. 而最近浮出水面的事实是:这位日本音乐家实际上在颇具盛名的柏林音乐学院的试音阶段就被淘汰了,而且他也只见过爱因斯坦一面,还是在卖小提琴给爱因斯坦的时候见的。
Mr O'Connor has posted the list of auditions from the German music school on his blog, which includes Suzuki's and proves that he failed to get in and was never taught by Klinger. 马克在自己的博客上贴出了德国音乐学院所有试音的列表,其中包含铃木镇一参加的那次,列表证明了铃木没有通过试音也绝没有当过克林格尔教授的学生。
The Hout Bay Music Project currently practices at a community hall, but that might change as a private funder is planning to build them a music school. HoutBay音乐项目目前在社区音乐厅练习,但情况可能会有所改变,因为一个私人捐助者计划为他们建造一个音乐学校。
Like a good father, I took my4-year old daughter to a so-called "rug concert" at her music school one Saturday morning, called that because you sit on the rug in a group and sing songs. 作为一个好父亲,我在星期六的早晨带四岁的女儿到她的学校参加一个所谓的“地毯音乐会”。叫这么个名字是因为我们分成小组坐在地毯上然后唱歌。
True, it might have been only a note-perfect rendition of Mary Had a Little Lamb at her music school's end of term concert. But yesterday she was being hailed as a mini maestro in the making – and Britain's youngest piano playing star. 是的,音乐学校期末音乐会上Lavinia虽然只是娴熟地演奏出了一曲《玛丽有只小羊羔》,但是这位小小钢琴手却被认为是迷你钢琴大师,是英国最年轻的钢琴演奏明星。
American instructors traveled to Mr. Suzuki's music school in Matsumoto, a scenic mountain town, hoping to discover the secrets of this Japanese miracle. 美国教师前往铃木镇一音乐学校的所在地风景秀丽的山地城市松本希望能发现这个日本奇迹的秘密。
The number of ancient and modern scholars who have taught for Fun, music school, there have been many brilliant innovation exposition. 古今中外的不少学者都对趣教、乐学、创新有过许多精辟的论述。
MR B: Zheng Jie, I would like to support your music school. 布雷恩:郑杰,我愿意资助你办音乐学校。
The students of Music School may confuse these three forms when analyzing big music work. 音乐院校的学生在分析大型音乐作品时有可能会把这三种曲式弄混淆。
It wasn't long before it became obvious to Maksim's teachers that he had a rare talent and the boy was enrolled in Sibenik's state music school. 很快,马克西姆的钢琴老师就发现他有着不同寻常的天分,于是他进了希贝尼克的国立音乐学校。
At the age of13, after finishing a music school, he became a student of Rachmaninov Music College in Rostov-on-Don ( Prof.S.Osipenko's class). 在他13岁结束了音乐学校的学习之后,他成为了在罗斯托夫拉赫玛尼诺夫音乐学院的一名学生。
He said that he wasn't the most talented student at music school. 他说他不是音乐学校里最有天分的学生。
He worked his way through music school in Shanghai. 他靠做工在上海念完音乐学院。
Some parents send their children to music school at the age of three and hope he will become a famous piano player like Lang Lang. 有很多父母在孩子只有两三岁时就把他们送到音乐学校,希望他们成为像朗朗这样著名的钢琴家。
Jail got into the music school by scraping through the examination. 杰尔勉强通过了考试,进入音乐学校就读。
Rather than disappointing audiences I would say that if I stop doing these other projects ( manage his music school in Migdal, Israel and Conducting) now, I will be disappointing myself. 是的,如果我不去专注于像指挥这样的‘其他事情’,就不会令小提琴乐迷们失望了,可失望的会是我自己。
"Waking up in the morning after sleeping four hours is the hardest part of my day," said the18-year-old, who usually studies until two in the morning to try to get into a music school of her choice. 这名18岁女生说:「因为只睡四小时,早上起床是我一天中最痛苦的事。」为了进她心目中的音乐学校,她通常念到凌晨2时。
What the research suggested was that once you have enough talent to get into a top music school, the thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works. 此研究说明,在你因为天赋而进入了顶尖音乐学校后,最终将你和他人区分开的是你的努力程度。
He was trapped under the rubble of his own music school in Haiti, in Port-au-Prince for18 hours. 他被困在太子港他自己的音乐学校的废墟下长达18个小时。
She's decided to sign up for music school. 她已决定报名上音乐学校。
She said there was a weird incident at the music school last week. 她说在上个星期音乐学校里出了意见很奇怪的事情。
He graduated from secondary music school and holds a degree in Law. 他毕业于中等音乐学校,并拥有法律学位。
Artstratosphere is a guzheng specialist music school. 艺佳是一家以经营古筝为主的音乐学院。
Li Bin graduated with honours from Tianjin Music School in1996. 李彬,1996年以优异成绩毕业自中国天津音乐学院,主修钢琴。
I want to be a conductor, and I have already chosen the best American music school. 我想当一名指挥家,我已经选好了美国最好的音乐学院。
Being a large university with a world-renowned music school, USC suits my needs exceptionally well. 作为一间享誉音乐盛名的大学,USC极其适合我。
The University of Idaho's music school is named for Hampton, and is the site of the annual Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival. 爱达荷大学的音乐学院也以汉普顿命名,每年莱昂内尔·汉普顿爵士乐节也在此举办。